Moving to Tokyo, Japan


Internet + Cell Service

Trying to search for a cell phone plan in Japan?

Go to a Yodobashi Camera (ヨドバシカメラ) or Bic Camera (ビックカメラ) store

  • These big electronics stores have well-staffed cell phone section where you can browser through various plans

  • Stores by major stations also tend to have more English speaking staff

Go to a Yodobashi or Bic Camera staff and ask for a recommendation

  • They will go over the various plans and help you pick the best one for your needs & price range

  • ⚡ Do not go to the specific cell phone plan salesperson at the branded booths unless you are 100% sure you want their plans

Personal Recommendation:

As of Nov 2022:

  • SoftBank 光 is pricier but the fastest internet plan for Tokyo

  • YMobile is a budget-friendly cell phone plan that has the same coverage as SoftBank

    • Recommend YMobile for those who want coverage in rural areas (mountains, beaches, etc.)

  • Rakuten Mobile is the cheapest cell phone plan but has limited coverage

Payment Methods

Notes on Cell Phone Plans in Japan

Japan's major cell service providers:

  • AU

  • Docomo

  • Softbank

  • Rakuten Mobile

Data + voice vs data-only plans?

  • It is cheaper to get a data-only plan and use a VoIP app like LINE or WhatsApp for voice calls

  • Generally, data-only plans does not support phone calls or SMS (text messages)

    • Great for those who have company phones

    • Not great when trying to use 2-step verification for online services (security or sign ups)



Unlimited plans

無制限 / museigen

Helpful Articles

Buying Used Items on Facebook

Home Centers in Tokyo

Closest thing to Home Depot 😅

Near central Tokyo:

Great Things To Buys

Dryer for clothes

  • Event if it is small, it makes a huge difference in simplifying laundry days!

  • EN: Compact clothes dryer

  • JP: 小型衣類乾燥機

  • Solid size for a small apartment: 3.0kg ~ 4.0kg


Other Resources

Japanese Review Sites

Last updated