Trip to Nagoya

Tokyo to Nagoya Transport

For more details, please refer to

Nagoya Attractions

Ghibli Park

Nagoya to Takayama Transport

Takayama to Tokyo Transport

Bus Method

⚠️ Make sure that you are able to get back home from Shinjuku station.

Bus + Train via Matsumoto Method

Takayama to Matsumoto Bus

  • 16:50 - 19:23

  • Bus Number: TB001

  • Company: Alpico

  • 3,300 yen

  • ⚠️ Non-reserved bus; cannot reserve a seat in advance.

    • Buy the ticket on the day before boarding the bus.

Matsumoto to Tokyo Train

  • 20:00 - 21:30

Takayama Attractions

  • Old Town - Beautifully preserved old town

  • Hida Folk Village - Wonderful open air museum

  • Takayama Jinya - The former local government office

  • Matsuri no Mori - Impressive museum about the Takayama Matsuri

  • Higashiyama Walk - Passing temples and the former castle site

  • Yatai Kaikan - Festival floats exhibition hall

  • Morning Markets - Held daily in two separate locations


Last updated